
Welcome to Cornerstone, where everyone is welcomed and loved.

10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study

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We want our church to be a reflection of God's love for all people.

We at Cornerstone Assembly embrace God’s call to be a multiethnic, multigenerational congregation that transforms our neighborhood, city, and beyond by the power of the Spirit. 


Sunday Services 9am & 11am

Our services begin with a diverse contemporary live worship followed by our five minute fellowship intermission where we greet each other and grab a cup of coffee before hearing a message from one of our pastors. In all, our services typically run under 90 minutes each. Our amazing Children’s pastor and volunteers ensure that children from ages 0-12 have their own church experience at both 9am and 11am. Between services, we have our Cornerstone Connect Breakfast from 10:30-11am where members and friends get to fellowship regardless of the service time they choose to attend. If you’re planning a visit, please fill out this Connect Card by clicking the button below so we can make sure you are welcomed and loved from the moment you arrive.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

On Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. we offer elective bible studies where adults can choose different classes for their own needs. Student and children ministries are also offered on these nights.


Searching for an oasis in the desert of life.

Pastor Emily Nicole Worm June 30, 2024 Then Moses led Israel on from the Red Sea, and they went out to the Wilderness of Shur. They journeyed for three days in the wilderness without finding water. 23 They came to Marah, but they could not drink the water at Marah

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Colossians 3:16
Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.


At Cornerstone it's a testament to what a true family relationship is, connected together with the empowering love of God. The Cornerstone staff is so involved in the life of the community. They have dedicated their life to be servants of Christ. When you come in to Cornerstone it's a chance to be connected and love on all people. Everyone of all ages is involved and important to the future of Cornerstone.

Matthew Worm

I absolutely love Cornerstone Assembly Church. I remember the first day I stepped inside. I immediately felt blanketed with love from everyone. It was so welcoming and inviting, and I felt like I had come home. This feeling is with me each and every time I step through those doors. I know without a doubt when I leave church (on whichever day) I will come away spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally fed. Let me add that Cornerstone has two awesome leaders, Pastors Philip and Heather Stanley. I love them, their passion for the Lord, their overwhelming desire to spread the gospel, and their drive for reaching lost souls! What an amazing team!

Cheryl Wilson-Parker

Anytime I walk through the door at Cornerstone, I am welcomed and loved. I know I will learn something in the bible during the message I need to apply to my life. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit speaks through spiritual leadership in love. When I feel distant from Holy Spirit Pastor Heather, Pastor Phil,or another Spirit filled member, will have a word from God for me

Thersa Rogers

It was a breath of fresh air to attend Cornerstone Assembly for the past six months. It's a small group of people who are casual and welcoming to anyone who comes through the door. Pastor Phil and Pastor Heather are both awesome, down to earth, honest, with good truth to share from the Word. Wednesday nights are particularly cozy, and people open up and share and pray for each other while godly members are asked to teach Bible lessons from the heart. I should also mention kids under 12 will get special care at this church.

Daniel Routh